Are you coming to London? Find out all that you need to know before you visit. Learn efficient and cost effective ways of travelling around London, discover where you can live, and  uncover the best places to party in London. Whether you are coming over for a short break or for a longer term, this is your London manual. Click here to check it out.

Here's a chance to improve your English speech. This is a course that concentrates on improving your English accent. You will be encouraged to speak in a neutral way and to speak clearly. The course is designed to help you deal with speech issues you may encounter. For more information, click here.
This takes learning to speak with an English Accent to another level. The idea is to be able to use your voice to its full potential. Learn techniques to improve your communication, increase your influence and give professional presentations. Your confidence will be increased by the communication tools that you gain from your studies. To learn more about this course, click here.